- No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish. 他不当董事长就不受职务约束了,想说什么就说什么。
- He has been embarrassed by debts for years. 他为债务所窘多年。
- trammeled by debts. 债务缠身。
- He has been embarrassed by debts for years . 他为债务所窘已多年了。
- Overwhelmed by debt, he filed for bankruptcy. 他负债累累,只好声明破产。
- No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman,he can say what he wish. 他不当董事长就不受职务约束了,想说什么就说什么。
- Soaring costs leave millions of students shackled by debt. 高昂的花费让数以百万计的学生为债所累。
- Good memories last longer, Ms.Gurney notes, when not trammeled by large credit-card bills. 葛尼强调说,在没有高昂的信用卡帐单束缚时,美好的回忆会更长久。
- We are merely trammeled by the ordinary decent conventions of civilized society. 我们仅仅受到文明社会最基本的行为规范的约束。”
- He felt himself trammelled by convention. 他觉得自己受到了习俗的束缚。
- The electronic giant was then a corpulent also-ran, burdened by debt, and a dowdy brand image. 这位电子行业的巨人当时机构臃肿,举步维艰,负债累累,臭名远扬。
- Double-digit growth in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia was fueled by debt and short-term capital inflows. 拉脱维亚、立陶宛和爱沙尼亚,曾通过债务和短期资本的流入拉动了经济的双位数增长。
- "Skip college and face a life of diminished opportunity, or go to college and face a life shackled by debt. 跳过了大学教育的人生就会错失很多机遇,走进大学就面临着负债累累的生活。”
- There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt. 有两种方法可以政府和奴隶一个民族,一种是用剑,一种是用债。
- Today Japan's economy is much less burdened by debt and so likely to recover more quickly. 当今日本经济的债务负担比起当年来轻得多;所以可能恢复得更快.
- The electronic giant(三星)was then a corpulent also-ran, burdened by debt, and a dowdy brand image. 这位电子行业的巨人当时机构臃肿,举步维艰,负债累累,臭名远扬。
- Some institutional investors maintain that Asian corporations are in good shape -- flush with cash and unburdened by debt. 也有一些机构投资者坚持认为亚洲企业境况不错,现金充裕且无债务负担。
- The Facebookers have a point.If the younger generation is crushed by debt too early they will not be able to pay for the baby-boomers in retirement. 该“版主”以为:如果年轻的一代过早背负贷款,他们将无力保障婴儿潮年代的人退休。
- However, most firms finance themselves partly by debt and the return that they earn on their investments must be sufficient to satisfy both the stockholders and the debtholders. 然而,多数企业部分地通过债务融资,而它们在其投资中赚取的回报就必须足以满足股东和债权人这两者。
- No longer trammelled by his responsibilities as chairman, he could say what he wished. 他不当董事长就不受职务约束了,想说什麽就说什麽。